i made the call not to run.
after listening to my friends' advice..
i decided to sit this one out.
to say i was upset, is an understatement.
my goal was to go 1:50
and i really felt i had a great shot at it...
before getting hurt,
but now i will never know...
sunday i ran an easy ten miles (avg. 9:45)
during the run it felt fine,
came back and iced it.
really been spending tons of time stretching/foam rolling.
and i think its finally paying off.
rested on monday.
yesterday was a tempo run at half marathon pace with my group.
so happy to run with them.
it really seemed like forever...
when you're used to seeing these awesome people 5 days a week,
not seeing them for 5 days seemed like eternity :)
i wasn't sure how i would feel...
so tried not to look at my garmin...
and just run by how i felt.
warm-up felt great...(9:11, 8:38)
and i just went with it. (8:18, 8:19, 8:22, 8:28, 8:18)
so excited!
came home and iced.
by the end of the day it was stiff from sitting in class for so long,
but after some stretching,
it's much better.
decided to take today off as well.
we usually just run easy miles,
but just being safe.
and the rest of the week is full of miles :)
feeling much better this morning.
i'm gonna start some strengthening exercises today.
i see lots of one legged squats and side leg lifts in my future :)
i also ordered some new kicks...
not sure if shoes had anything to do with my injury
but i got to thinking about them...
and they probably have about 450 miles on them..
so just to be safe..
they are a pretty pink :)
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