i can't wait for this! i'm so excited.
it's been months in the making..well actually 13. and it's finally here. this sunday i will run a half marathon. a half marathon. i actually can't believe i'm saying it. 6 months ago i couldn't run a mile and now here i am. granted, i'm not the fastest runner, but i'm going to run 13.1 miles without stopping. and in a respectable time. that is unbelievable to me. and its all been through the grace and strength that God has given me. i could have never done this on my own. He is my strength. He is responsible for it all!! Through this whole process, the verse that i've probably said most often was Phil 4:13, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." That verse has been on repeat in my head.
i ran my last long run this past sunday. 12.15 miles. ran along a pretty hilly path and i still made it in 2:13:04. so stoked. so on the flatter course, i think i'll be able to go a little faster.
this weekend is the culmination of a long, hard, but wonderful year, in which God has done so many wonderful things in my life. " If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has gone, and the new has come." 2Cor. 5:17 I am a new person. God's love, forgiveness, and grace are abounding. And they are anyone's for the taking, but we must first humble ourselves and ask for it. This year i begged for God's forgiveness...and he graciously and lovingly gave it. and he made me a new person. i am different inside and out. i am so thankful.
(pictures taken from the runfresno.com site)