Wednesday, November 10, 2010

post marathon blues.

yep, i've got 'em.

i think its partly because i don't have a training plan or a race picked out to train for,
but also that the marathon didn't turn out how i wanted.
my mind is ready to run, but my body says otherwise.

so, what to do?

i guess i need to figure something out.
i'm still a little sore...mostly in my quads.
but that is finally subsiding a little bit today.
i think i'll be ready for a run by the weekend.
just an easy one.

maybe i should sign up for the turkey trot?
or maybe not...
maybe i'll just run.


Loren said...

do your kids have off the week of thanksgiving? you should come up here and visit me :) I will help cure your marathon blues :)!

Loren said...

and maybe tony can take you out for a run :)!